Monday, May 16, 2011

My Very First Blog Post EVER!!!

Hi, my name is Adriane and I have recently discovered this world of blogging about quilting and crafts and I couldn't be more excited.  I've kicked around the idea of starting my own and here we are, my very first post.  Here is a preview of some border fabric I'm using on an upcoming project, isn't it cute!

Just recently I attended a class for the Judy Niemeyer quilt Glacier Star.  Our instructor was Catherine Erickson, and I highly recommend taking a class from Catherine if you ever get the chance.  She is a wonderful instructor and made the class so much fun.  I'll leave you tonight with a few pics of the group's projects.


  1. Congrats, Adriane. I married into a family of quilters who would love this. I who can not sew on a button. I'll make sure they hear about this!
    Bill S.

  2. Awesome Mr. S, thanks for passing this on!

  3. My FIRST posting on a blog...lucky you...these are simply GORGEOUS!!! I have pics from the Pella Tulip Festival where we stopped at a Quilt showing. I can't believe how beautiful some of them were. I especially love the tie purses. Haven't made any but hope to soon. I want to make a quilt for each of my kids-i embroidered a tracing of each of their hands when they were young. Another project in the works. Thanks for showing these beautiful pieces are art! Love ya! Aunt D

  4. Hi Adriane! It was great to hear from you and a nice surprise to see my Glacial Star on your blog. I am honored! I have not yet recovered from the flying geese overdose. Very nice blog.
    I am another fabric addict and proud of it!

